Neo Machismo

Schermafbeelding 2018-11-28 om 22.21.20.png

photography exhibition

A photoseries I took from myself and 9 others, to portray a new understanding of what Machismo could mean. Showcased at the anual art festival ‘In De Diamantfabriek’, in Amsterdam - the Netherlands.


noun | ma · chis · mo

The trait of behaving in ways considered stereotypical for men; strong, forceful, brave, aggressive and without emotions. Traditional ideas about how men and women should behave.

A visual story showing a new wave of varieties between masculinity. People should not feel obliged to behave like the gender they are assigned to, but we often feel pushed in a certain direction. Then as an outsider we usually think that we know who someone is, based solely on the first impression. However, the increasing variety of individuals and possibilities makes it harder to put everything and everyone into boxes. That should not be a reason to sabotage this movement.


I am Joep, this is me, this is us. I have a story, and so do all these people. We won’t step aside for any prejudices anymore. I hope to inspire you to appreciate the great variety among people with new approaches to behavior. Social rules and expressions can change. There should be room for a conversation, instead of aggression based on a feeling of superiority. If this is too much to ask, then please turn around and live your life, just like we do. In the name of all gay people in the world: don’t dare to touch me, because I won’t step aside for the traditional machismo.


In support of all the victims that suffered from (gay) violence and/or harassment. Our thoughts go out to the group violence in Dordrecht. To the young & innocent missing in Rotterdam. To the club terrorism in Orlando. And to any other personal situations that you can relate to.